Editorial Content

PLENILUNE OF SPRING: Easter Events of Holy Week in Apulia and Spain.

21 Gennaio 2025

The project

"Plenilunio di Primavera: gli eventi pasquali della Settimana Santa tra Puglia e Spagna" (Spring Full Moon: Holy Week Easter events between Apulia and Spain) stems from the desire to affirm one's belonging to a territory whose cultural and tourist potential is often unknown, from the love for traditions to be safeguarded, and from the possibility of offering visitors an emotionally charged journey of faith and culture, in which the ancient Easter rites of Holy Week are revived in the processional events that take place in Apulian and Spanish municipalities.

From March to May, an itinerant photographic exhibition on Holy Week in Apulia and Valladolid will be set up in prestigious locations (Valladolid / Bitonto / Molfetta / Vico del Gargano / Lecce), the contents of which will be presented in different themes and collected in a photographic catalogue.

In addition, concerts of Apulian and Spanish sacred music and conferences on popular piety will enrich the various exhibition spaces.

A moment of exchange and comparison with European cultural realities, a moment of analysis, reflection and explication of the common elements, diversities and contradictions present in these lands, Spain and Apulia, in which converge cultures, traditions, different yet united by the same civilisation, the one that has seen the peoples of the Mediterranean basin born and flourish.