A sacred performance, now in its 36th edition (1975-2010), thanks to the collaboration of the University of Bari, the Puglia Superintendency of Archaeology, the Pontifical Council for Culture and the International Europassio Organization, it has reached the goal of conserving all the traditional and religious aspects of the Easter tradition, the cultural growth of the city of Ginosa and the revival of a great scenic, historical and archaeological heritage. The event kicks off with a parade of costumed figures along the various streets and piazzas, illuminated with the flames of tripods in the historical centre. The life of Jesus Christ is told from the Annunciation of His birth to the crucifixion with narration and musical accompaniment. The event is highly theatrical, surrounded by the natural scenery of the ravines. A true “open-air theatre”, each year it attracts visitors from many parts of Italy and Europe. The natural stage of the Ginosa “ravine” perfectly reproduces the typical Palestinian environment, emotionally involving the onlooker. The Passio Christi has become the religious event par excellence, making the whole Gospel come alive. We must not forget that the city of Ginosa has been a key element in some major film productions, and was mentioned in the Audience of Pope John Paul II on May 21, 1997: “…hoping for the continuity of the event with dedication and a spirit of participation,” words of the Holy Father to the audience in St. Peter’s Square. The project’s points of development are: Teatro Alcanices, the churches of Ginosa, the Museo Civico (Municipal Museum) and the piazzas, weather permitting. The event takes place on Palm Saturday, Holy Saturday and in summer in the month August.